Load csv files from GenomeCov and their associated metadata. Create a RiboClass.
Import your count CSV files and the metadata to create a RiboClass. The RiboClass is used by rRMSAnalyzer package for all analyses.
This function serves as the entrypoint of rRMSAnalyzer.
metadata = NULL,
count_sep = "\t",
metadata_sep = ",",
count_header = FALSE,
count_value = 3,
count_rnaid = 1,
count_pos = 2,
metadata_key = "filename",
metadata_id = NULL,
flanking = 6,
method = "median",
ncores = 1
- count_path
(required) path to the data folder containing count files.
- metadata
Data frame or path to a CSV file containing metadata.
- count_sep
Delimiter used for the CSV files.
- metadata_sep
Delimiter used in metadata (if imported from file).
- count_header
Boolean, specify if count files have a header or not.
- count_value
Name or index of the column containing count values.
- count_rnaid
Name or index of the column containing the name of the RNA in count data.
- count_pos
Name or index of the column containing the site's position in count data.
- metadata_key
(required when metadata not null) Name or index of the column containing the samples' filename.
- metadata_id
Name or index of the column containing the sample name.
- flanking
Size of the local coverage.
- method
Computation method of the local coverage. Either 'median' or 'mean'.
- ncores
Number of cores to use in case of multithreading.
load_ribodata is a wrapper of new_riboclass
and compute_cscore