rRMSAnalyzer: package to analyze RiboMethSeq data
Théo COMBE, Hermes PARAQINDES, Janisse KIELBASSA, Emilie THOMAS, Anthony FERRARI and Virginie MARCEL
RiboMethSeq is an innovative RNAseq-based approach, which was
developed in 2015 to analyze 2’O-ribose methylation (2’Ome) at all
sites of ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) at once, in yeast (Birkedal et al. 2014). This approach was
then transferred to human using the Illumina technology (Marchand et al. 2016; Erales et al. 2017; Marcel
et al. 2021). Briefly, the presence of 2’Ome protects the
phosphodiester bond located at the 3’ of the 2’Ome nucleotide from
alkaline hydrolysis. Thus, the presence of 2’Ome at the given
nucleotide n induces under-representation of RNA fragments
starting at the nucleotide n+1 and an over-representation of RNA
fragments ending at the nucleotide n-1, allowing the extrapolation
of 2’Ome levels at the corresponding nucleotide position n (or
C-score) varying from 0 to 1 (Birkedal et
al. 2014).
The rRMSAnalyzer package can be used
for any kind of RNA and with all organisms. This package provides
a set of user-friendly functions to compute C-scores from
RiboMethSeq read end counts as input, adjust batch effect with
ComBat-Seq, visualize the data and provide a table with the
annotated human rRNA sites and their C-scores. Processing of the
raw data to obtain read end counts from sequencing data was
previously described (Marchand et al.
The rRMSAnalyzer package can be used for any type of RNA and on all organism. This package provides a set of user-friendly functions to calculate C-scores from RiboMethSeq read end counts as input, perform quality control of the dataset, adjust for potential batch effects, and provide tools to visualize and analyze the data. In addition, a list of potentially methylated human rRNA sites is provided for analyses.
Raw data processing to obtain read-end counts from sequencing data can be performed using our Nextflow pipeline ribomethseq-nf, as already described (Marchand et al. 2016).
Help, bug reports and suggestions
To report a bug or any suggestion to improve the package, please let us known by opening a new issue on: github issue link coming soon!
This project has been funded by the French Cancer Institute (INCa, PLBIO 2019-138 MARACAS), the SIRIC Program (INCa-DGOS-Inserm_12563 LyRICAN) and Synergie Lyon Cancer Foundation.
ribo <- load_ribodata(
count_path = "/path/to/your/csvfiles/directory/",
metadata = "path/to/metadata.csv",
metadata_key = "filename",
metadata_id = "samplename")
# Compute the c-score using different parameters,
# including calculation of the local coverage using the mean instead of the median
ribo <- compute_cscore(ribo, method = "mean")
# If necessary, adjust any technical biases using ComBat-Seq.
# Here, as an example, we use the "library" column in metadata.
ribo <- adjust_bias(ribo,"library")
# Plot a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) whose colors depend on the "condition" column in metadata
RiboClass is the main class of the package that enables the storage of both the data matrices (counts and c-scores) and the associated metadata. It is automatically created when calling load_ribodata (see Loading data).
It is a list containing three main elements, individually described below:
Data: a list of dataframe, containing for each sample the 5’ and/or 3’ read-end counts provided by the user, and the calculated C-score.
Metadata: a dataframe, containing all the information related to the samples that can be provided by the user.
RNA_names: a dataframe, reporting the names of the RNA used in Data.
Some major function parameters (such as the normalization method used for c-score computation) are also kept in the RiboClass object as a reminder.
Loading data
Data to provide
Read-end counts
To use this package, the user must provide at least one csv/tsv file with the 5’, 3’ or 5’/3’ read end counts resulting from RiboMethSeq data per sample. The folder structure containing the csv files is not important, as long as either the directory and its sub-directories contain the necessary csv/tsv files.
The name of the RNA on which the read end counting was performed.
The number of the position on the RNA.
The value of the read end counts at the position.
Here is an example :
RNA | Position on RNA | read end count |
18S | 123 | 3746 |
18S | 124 | 345 |
18S | 125 | 324 |
18S | 126 | 789 |
18S | 127 | 1234 |
Note 1: it is not necessary to provide a header in the count files, because column index can be used in the function load_ribodata, using count_value, count_rnaid and count_pos parameters.
Note 2: if no metadata is specified, rRMSAnalyzer will try to fetch any csv files in the folder specified in count_path and its subfolders.
The expected metadata is either a dataframe already in the R environment or a csv/tsv file.
Two columns are mandatory for the metadata :
filename: name of the csv file on disk containing the read end counts described above. Do not modify it unless the filename has changed on disk.
samplename: rename the samples that will be analyzed and displayed on the plots. This column can be modified, as long as the sample names are unique.
After these two mandatory columns, the user can provide as many columns as needed for the analysis.
Here is an example of metadata for three samples:
filename (mandatory) |
samplename (mandatory) |
biological condition (optionnal) |
sample1.csv | sample 1 | condition 1 |
sample2.csv | sample 2 | condition 1 |
sample3.csv | sample 3 | condition 2 |
Note: if no metadata is provided in load_ribodata, an empty metadata will be created with the “filename” and “samplename” columns pre-filled. The “samplename” column will be identical to “filename”, but can be modified by the user.
Here is an example of auto-generated metadata:
filename | samplename |
sample1.csv | sample1.csv |
sample2.csv | sample2.csv |
sample3.csv | sample3.csv |
How to load the data
To load both data and metadata, and store them in a RiboClass, the
function load_ribodata
is used.
The following example displays a call to load_ribodata, with all parameters shown :
path <- system.file("extdata", package="rRMSAnalyzer")
ribo <- load_ribodata(
#data & metadata files path
count_path = file.path(path,"miniglioma/"),
metadata = file.path(path,"metadata.csv"),
# data & metadata files separator
count_sep = "\t",
metadata_sep = ",",
# count data parameters :
count_header = FALSE,
count_value = 3,
count_rnaid = 1,
count_pos = 2,
# Metadata parameters :
metadata_key = "filename",
metadata_id = "samplename",
# c-score parameters :
flanking = 6,
method = "median",
ncores = 1)
#> ✔ Your data has been successfully loaded!
RNA names
RNA names are automatically obtained from the data and stored in a generated dataframe inside the RiboClass. It contains two columns :
original_name: original name of each RNA (e.g NR_023363.1).
current_name: current name of each RNA, reflecting any user’s change with rename_rna function (see Rename RNA).
This dataframe is used to keep track of the original name, which often includes the NCBI’s accession ID.
Here is an example:
original_name | current_name |
NR_023363.1_5S | 5S |
NR_046235.3_5.8S | 5.8S |
NR_046235.3_18S | 18S |
NR_046235.3_28S | 28S |
C-score calculation
What is a C-score ?
The C-score is a metric, calculated from the RiboMethSeq sequencing data, used to evaluate the level of 2’O-ribose methylation (2’Ome) at a given position in the RNA.
The C-score is calculated by normalizing the end read count with respect to the local environment at each genomic position and directly indicates the RNA 2’Ome level. The C-score ranges from 0 (i.e., no RNA molecules of the sample are 2’Ome at this specific site) to 1 (i.e., all RNA molecules of the sample are 2’Ome at this specific site). A C-score with an intermediate value between 0 to 1 means that the sample contains a mixture of un-2’Ome and 2’Ome RNA molecules.
To obtain a robust estimate of the 2’Ome level, different C-scores can be determined depending on the parameters used to compute the local coverage. In particular, the estimation method and the size of the local coverage to be considered can be changed.
By default, the local coverage is estimated by calculating the median of the end read counts in a flanking region of 6 (i.e., 6 nucleotides downstream the nucleotide n and 6 upstream the nucleotide n, where n is the nucleotid directly following the 2’Ome site of interest). This package provide the ability to change these two parameters either when loading the data or during the analysis.
C-score computation when loading data
When using the load_ribodata function, a C-score is automatically calculated for all genomic positions of the RNA. The C-score is computed using either the default parameters of the load_ribodata function or user-defined parameters as follows:
load_ribodata(count.path = "/path/to/csv/",
metadata = "/path/to/metadata.csv",
# everything below is linked to c-score computation
flanking = 6, # flanking region size
method = "median", # use mean or median on flanking region's values
ncores = 8 # number of CPU cores to use for computation
C-score computation during the analysis
During the analysis, the C-score calculating parameters (method and size of the flanking region) can be modified using the compute_cscore function, which will automatically update the C-score in the RiboClass.
In the following example, both the flanking region’s size of the local coverage and the computation method have been modified:
ribo <- compute_cscore(ribo,
flanking = 4,
method = "mean")
Important: this function will override the previous c-score of the RiboClass.
Quality control
Due to technical limitations, it is sometimes necessary to conduct wet-lab preparations of large cohorts in several batches. The main risk when making several batches is to introduce technical biases or batch effect in the dataset.
Quality control report
A quality control (QC) report can be performed. It uses several metrics to help identify outlier samples and/or batch effects, including end read counts and the C-score itself at all the 7217 genomic positions. The QC verifies that the coverage is uniform and reproducible between samples, eliminating the possibility of bias due to sequencing and outliers
QC can be either performed using a panel of ready to use functions, which correspond to data visualization, or automatically.
The automatic QC report can be generated using the report_qc function:
With the ribo_toy example, the column that contains the information
about samples batches is called “run”. The name is thus given to the
report_qc(ribo = ribo_toy, library_col = "run")
The QC report includes the following visualizations:
- End read counts distribution by sample (boxplot_count)
- Relative log coverage (i.e., end read count) by sample (plot_rle)
- RNA fraction of end read counts per sample (plot_count_fraction)
- Heatmap summarizing the correlation matrix of the end read counts (plot_heatmap_corr)
- Correspondence analysis of the end read counts (plot_coa)
- Principal component analysis (plot_pca)
Batch effect identification
Technical bias (i.e., batch effect) can be identified by plotting C-scores at all the genomic positions of the RNA for each sample on a PCA (see also [Visualization with PCA] for more uses).
Here is an example:
plot_pca(ribo = ribo,
color_col = "run")
In this example, the technical replicates RNA1 and RNA2 included in library 1 and 2 respectively, are distant from each other on the PC1 axis. Moreover, the samples should not be grouped by library or batch. The following section will resolve this batch effect.
Batch effect adjustment
Batch effect of RiboMethSeq data can be adjusted using the ComBat-seq method (Paraqindes et al, in revision; Zhang, et al, 2020). The rRMSAnalyzer package includes a wrapper (adjust_bias) to perform ComBat-seq adjustment which provides a new RiboClass with adjusted read end count values and C-scores automatically recalculated with the same setup parameters.
ribo_adjusted <- adjust_bias(ribo, batch = "run")
#> Found 2 batches
#> Using null model in ComBat-seq.
#> Adjusting for 0 covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
#> Estimating dispersions
#> Fitting the GLM model
#> Shrinkage off - using GLM estimates for parameters
#> Adjusting the data
#> Recomputing c-score with the following parameters :
#> - C-score method : median
#> - Flanking window : 6
Batch effect adjustment can be verified using the plot_pca function on the new RiboClass:
After batch effect adjustment using ComBat-seq method, the two technical replicates RNA1 and RNA2 show reduced dispersion, and the samples are separated on the PCA axes independently of the library they belong to.
Verifying local coverage
The C-score depends on the local coverage around the site. For a simple visualization of the read end count coverage of the flanking region of a given genomic position of interest, use the plot_counts_env function. Two plotting methods are available:
- display all samples (default parameters): by displaying the end read count coverage of all samples using a boxplot at the +6/-6 genomic position relative to the genomic position of interest (green box). Such a plot is automatically used when number of samples in up to x. The median of the read end count is shown as a dashed red line.
Here is an example:
- sample of interest: by displaying the end read count coverage of the sample of interest only using the profile at the +6/-6 genomic position relative to the genomic position of interest (vertical green line). The median of the read end count is displayed as a horizontal dotted red line.
Here is an example:
Sample manipulation
Keep or remove samples
A sample subset can be easily analyzed by specifying which samples to keep or which to remove. The user can then create a new RiboClass object containing the data and metadata of the samples of interest. In both cases, only the metadata of the remaining samples are kept in the RiboClass object, so no manual updating is required.
Here is an example of how to create a new RiboClass by retaining two samples of interest (“S1” and “S2”):
ribo_2samples <- keep_ribo_samples(ribo_adjusted,c("S1","S2"))
#> a RiboClass with 2 samples and 4 RNA(s) :
#> Name : NR_023363.1_5S, length : 121
#> Name : NR_046235.3_5.8S, length : 157
#> Name : NR_046235.3_18S, length : 1869
#> Name : NR_046235.3_28S, length : 5070
Here is an example to generate a new RiboClass by removing two samples (“S1” and “S2”):
ribo_removed_samples <- remove_ribo_samples(ribo,c("S1","S1"))
#> a RiboClass with 13 samples and 4 RNA(s) :
#> Name : NR_023363.1_5S, length : 121
#> Name : NR_046235.3_5.8S, length : 157
#> Name : NR_046235.3_18S, length : 1869
#> Name : NR_046235.3_28S, length : 5070
In both cases, only the remaining samples’ metadata are kept in the RiboClass object. There is no need to update it manually.
RNA manipulation and annotation
RNA manipulation
Remove RNA
A subset of RNA can be easily analyzed by specifying the RNA to be removed. The user can thus create a new RiboClass object containing the data of the RNAs of interest, without affecting the metadata of the samples.
Here is an example where the RNA 5S is removed:
ribo_adjusted <- remove_rna(ribo, rna_to_remove = "NR_023363.1_5S")
#> a RiboClass with 14 samples and 3 RNA(s) :
#> Name : NR_046235.3_5.8S, length : 157
#> Name : NR_046235.3_18S, length : 1869
#> Name : NR_046235.3_28S, length : 5070
Rename RNA
The annotation of rRNA 2’Ome sites using the lists provided by this package requires the use of specific RNA names.
Here is an example to check if the RNA names provided by the user in the RiboClass match the ones used by this package :
cat("human_methylated's rna names: ", unique(human_methylated$rRNA),"\n")
#> human_methylated's rna names: 5.8S 18S 28S
cat("ribo's rna names: ", as.character(ribo_adjusted$rna_names$current_name))
#> ribo's rna names: NR_046235.3_5.8S NR_046235.3_18S NR_046235.3_28S
In this example, the names are different and need to be updated before annotation.
The rename_rna function automatically updates the rRNA names given by the rRNA size order:
ribo_adjusted <- rename_rna(ribo_adjusted,
new_names = c("5.8S", "18S", "28S"))
# from the shortest RNA in our RiboClass to the longest.
Annotation of RNA 2’Ome sites
The rRMSAnalyzer package calculates a C-score for each genomic position of the RNAs. However, not every sites of the reference 2’Ome RNA is necessarily methylated. Therefore, it is expected that the user provides a list of potentially methylated sites of interest, called “annotated sites”. This will make it easier to restrict further analysis to this list of sites.
Included annotation : Human 2’Ome rRNA sites
By default, rRMSAnalyzer package includes two dataframes containing the positions and the annotations of the human rRNA 2’Ome sites:
human_methylated: a dataframe, containing the 112 known 2’Ome sites for the human rRNAs.
human_suspected: a dataframe, containing the 17 sites that are putative 2’Ome sites for the human rRNAs, as described in the litterature.
Customize 2’Ome sites annotations
Instead of using the list of human rRNA 2’Ome sites provided by the rRMSAnalyzer package, the user can provide their own list of annotated sites which will be attached to the RiboClass object using the annotate_site function (see 10.3 section : annotation of RNA sites).
This annotate_site function expects an “annot” parameter which must be a dataframe object that contains the following three mandatory columns :
RNA name: the name of the RNA, matching the RNA name of the RiboClass.
Position on RNA: the number of the position on the RNA.
Nomenclature: the name given to the site of interest.
You can see an example below :
Position | rRNA | Nomenclature |
15 | 5.8S | Um14 |
76 | 5.8S | Gm75 |
28 | 18S | Am27 |
Annotate RNA sites
The 2’Ome sites of interest must be attached to the RiboClass object for further analysis using the annotate function with either the provided annotations or custom annotations.
Here is an example using the included human methylated annotations:
ribo_adjusted <- annotate_site(ribo_adjusted,
annot = human_methylated,
anno_rna = "rRNA",
anno_pos = "Position",
anno_value = "Nomenclature")
Note : rRMSAnalyzer will display a warning message when there is a mismatch between the annot and RiboClass RNA names.
This vignette also provides some explanations on how to create your own sites annotation dataset with Customize 2’Ome sites annotations.
Analytic functions for 2’Ome profiling
To determine whether RNA 2’Ome profiles are different between
conditions and identify the most variable RNA 2’Ome sites, several
functions have been implemented to obtain a ggplot. Moreover, the
parameter only_annotated
, which is included in all the plot
related functions, enables the plotting of only the annotated RNA 2’Ome
sites of interest (i.e., with biological relevance) when set to true.
Here is a list of the implemented plots with the function name:
- principal component analysis using the C-scores of the annotated RNA 2’Ome sites (plot_pca)
- heatmap using the C-scores of the annotated RNA 2’Ome sites (plot_heatmap)
- boxplot using the C-scores of the annotated RNA 2’Ome sites in ascending order of variability (boxplot_count)
As an example, the plot_pca function is presented below.
Here is an example comparing samples reflecting different biological conditions based on the rRNA 2’Ome profile of the provided human_methylated list:
color_col = "condition",
only_annotated = TRUE)
Note 1 : by default, PC1 and PC2 axes are plotted. However, the user can choose the PCA axes of interest using the “axes” parameter.
color_col = "condition",
axes = c(2,3), #PC2 and PC3 will be plotted
only_annotated = TRUE)
Note 2 the function returns the complete dudi.pca object instead of the plot by setting object_only to TRUE:
pca <- plot_pca(ribo_adjusted,
color_col = "condition",
only_annotated = TRUE,
object_only = TRUE)
Analytic functions for site-by-site comparison of 2’Ome levels
Two cut-offs are currently used to identify RNA sites with significantly different 2’Ome levelsè between biological conditions (Marcel et al , NAR Cancer 2021):
- statistical significance: a p-value < 0.01 using Kruskal-Wallis test.
- biological significance: a ΔC-score (i.e., Mean C-scoremax – Mean C-scoremin) > 0.05, indicating a variation of 5% of the RNA 2’Ome level between the conditions.
The plot_diff_sites function displays only the RNA sites that meet these two cut-off criteria. It produces a boxplot visualizing the median C-scores per biological condition and the p-value.
Here is an example:
plot_diff_sites(ribo_adjusted,factor_column = "condition")
#> 0 significant sites found !
#Because no RNA site was found to fulfill the default cut-offs, the p-value cut-off is changed for the following example
plot_diff_sites(ribo_adjusted,factor_column = "condition",p_cutoff = 0.1)
#> 7 significant sites found !
Exporting data
Data can be exported as two different objects.
Export as a dataframe
The user can export data as a dataframe using the extract_data function.
By default, C-scores for all the genomic RNA positions are exported.
ribo_df <- extract_data(ribo_adjusted,
col = "cscore")
The user can export data related to the subset of annotated RNA 2’Ome sites by setting the only_annotated parameter to TRUE.
ribo_df <- extract_data(ribo_adjusted,
col = "cscore",
only_annotated = TRUE)
site | S1 | S2 | S3 |
18S_Am27 | 0.9783333 | 0.9745514 | 0.9810412 |
18S_Am99 | 0.9680204 | 0.9646470 | 0.9724150 |
18S_Um116 | 0.9276274 | 0.9470968 | 0.9407083 |
18S_Um121 | 0.9630216 | 0.9684459 | 0.9691576 |
18S_Am159 | 0.9629730 | 0.9620986 | 0.9686766 |
18S_Am166 | 0.9809492 | 0.9744627 | 0.9744998 |
18S_Um172 | 0.9510189 | 0.9400922 | 0.9517981 |
18S_Cm174 | 0.9119119 | 0.8668456 | 0.8806886 |
18S_Um354 | 0.9709273 | 0.9722054 | 0.9756174 |
18S_Um428 | 0.9268668 | 0.9276018 | 0.9504224 |
Export as a ggplot-ready dataframe
The user can export data as a ggplot-ready dataframe using the format_to_plot function.
By default, C-scores for all the genomic RNA positions are exported. The user can export additional information contained in the metadata by specifying the name of the column of interest. The user can export information related to the subset of annotated RNA 2’Ome sites by setting the only_annotated parameter to True.
Here is an example of ggplot-ready dataframe containing the C-scores of all the genomic RNA positions as well as the condition related to the particular sample of interest:
ggplot_table <- format_to_plot(ribo_adjusted,"condition")
sample | site | cscore | condition | |
501 | RNA1 | 18S_0501 | 0.0000000 | RNA ref |
502 | RNA1 | 18S_0502 | 0.2601804 | RNA ref |
503 | RNA1 | 18S_0503 | 0.0000000 | RNA ref |
504 | RNA1 | 18S_0504 | 0.3179712 | RNA ref |
505 | RNA1 | 18S_0505 | 0.5132894 | RNA ref |
506 | RNA1 | 18S_0506 | 0.6354548 | RNA ref |
507 | RNA1 | 18S_0507 | 0.0000000 | RNA ref |
508 | RNA1 | 18S_0508 | 0.0000000 | RNA ref |
509 | RNA1 | 18S_0509 | 0.0000000 | RNA ref |
510 | RNA1 | 18S_0510 | 0.9380812 | RNA ref |
Export as a dataframe by condition
The mean_samples_by_condition function provdes the summarized values per modality of a variable in the metadata dataframe.
By default, the function provides for all the genomic RNA positions the name of the position, the mean and standard deviation (sd) of the C-scores. By using the value=”count” parameter, it is als possible to calculate these values from the read end counts. Calculations can be limited to only annotated RNA 2’Ome sites by setting the only_annotated parameter to TRUE.
Here is an example of dataframe showing the summarized C-scores per modality of the “condition” variable for all the genomic RNA positions:
mean_tb <- mean_samples_by_conditon(ribo_adjusted,
value = "cscore",
metadata_condition = "condition",
only_annotated = TRUE)
site | condition | mean | sd |
18S_Am1031 | RNA ref | 0.9749922 | 0.0047461 |
18S_Am1031 | cond1 | 0.9703699 | 0.0032725 |
18S_Am1031 | cond2 | 0.9723714 | 0.0057723 |
18S_Am1383 | RNA ref | 0.9796876 | 0.0035939 |
18S_Am1383 | cond1 | 0.9765212 | 0.0027083 |
18S_Am1383 | cond2 | 0.9779684 | 0.0028759 |
18S_Am159 | RNA ref | 0.9684126 | 0.0022025 |
18S_Am159 | cond1 | 0.9609920 | 0.0054882 |
18S_Am159 | cond2 | 0.9623362 | 0.0065239 |
18S_Am166 | RNA ref | 0.9826490 | 0.0033169 |
#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.26.so; LAPACK version 3.12.0
#> locale:
#> time zone: UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] rRMSAnalyzer_2.0.1
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] ade4_1.7-23 tidyselect_1.2.1 dplyr_1.1.4
#> [4] farver_2.1.2 blob_1.2.4 Biostrings_2.74.1
#> [7] fastmap_1.2.0 XML_3.99-0.18 digest_0.6.37
#> [10] factoextra_1.0.7 lifecycle_1.0.4 statmod_1.5.0
#> [13] survival_3.7-0 KEGGREST_1.46.0 RSQLite_2.3.9
#> [16] magrittr_2.0.3 genefilter_1.88.0 compiler_4.4.2
#> [19] rlang_1.1.5 sass_0.4.9 tools_4.4.2
#> [22] yaml_2.3.10 knitr_1.49 ggsignif_0.6.4
#> [25] labeling_0.4.3 htmlwidgets_1.6.4 bit_4.5.0.1
#> [28] abind_1.4-8 BiocParallel_1.40.0 withr_3.0.2
#> [31] purrr_1.0.4 BiocGenerics_0.52.0 desc_1.4.3
#> [34] grid_4.4.2 stats4_4.4.2 ggpubr_0.6.0
#> [37] xtable_1.8-4 colorspace_2.1-1 edgeR_4.4.2
#> [40] ggplot2_3.5.1 scales_1.3.0 MASS_7.3-61
#> [43] cli_3.6.4 crayon_1.5.3 rmarkdown_2.29
#> [46] ragg_1.3.3 generics_0.1.3 httr_1.4.7
#> [49] DBI_1.2.3 cachem_1.1.0 splines_4.4.2
#> [52] zlibbioc_1.52.0 parallel_4.4.2 AnnotationDbi_1.68.0
#> [55] XVector_0.46.0 matrixStats_1.5.0 vctrs_0.6.5
#> [58] Matrix_1.7-1 jsonlite_1.8.9 sva_3.54.0
#> [61] carData_3.0-5 car_3.1-3 IRanges_2.40.1
#> [64] S4Vectors_0.44.0 bit64_4.6.0-1 rstatix_0.7.2
#> [67] ggrepel_0.9.6 Formula_1.2-5 systemfonts_1.2.1
#> [70] locfit_1.5-9.11 limma_3.62.2 tidyr_1.3.1
#> [73] jquerylib_0.1.4 annotate_1.84.0 glue_1.8.0
#> [76] pkgdown_2.1.1 codetools_0.2-20 gtable_0.3.6
#> [79] GenomeInfoDb_1.42.3 UCSC.utils_1.2.0 munsell_0.5.1
#> [82] tibble_3.2.1 pillar_1.10.1 htmltools_0.5.8.1
#> [85] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.13 R6_2.6.1 textshaping_1.0.0
#> [88] lattice_0.22-6 evaluate_1.0.3 Biobase_2.66.0
#> [91] png_0.1-8 backports_1.5.0 memoise_2.0.1
#> [94] broom_1.0.7 bslib_0.9.0 Rcpp_1.0.14
#> [97] nlme_3.1-166 mgcv_1.9-1 xfun_0.50
#> [100] fs_1.6.5 MatrixGenerics_1.18.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3